Amazon agency tips for improving your Seller Central dashboard

The Amazon Seller Central dashboard is a powerful tool that provides sellers valuable insights into their business performance on the platform. However, many sellers need help to fully utilize this resource, potentially missing out on opportunities for growth and optimization. Optimizing your Seller Central dashboard involves customizing its layout to suit your needs. The dashboard is highly flexible; you can add, remove, and rearrange widgets to create a view focusing on the metrics most important to your business.

Setting up automated reports

Take advantage of Amazon’s automated reporting features to save time and ensure you’re consistently receiving essential data. You can set up reports to be generated and emailed to you regularly, covering areas.

  • Business reports
  • Fulfillment reports
  • Payments reports
  • Customer concessions reports

Automating these reports gives you a steady stream of data to inform your decision-making without manually pulling the information each time.

Leveraging the account health dashboard

The Account Health dashboard is a crucial component of Seller Central that provides insights into your account’s standing with Amazon. Please pay close attention to this section, as it can alert you to policy violations or performance that could jeopardize your selling privileges. Vist for info about amazon experts check out our seller central optimization guide for more information.

Regularly review the following areas:

  • Policy compliance
  • Customer service performance
  • Shipping performance
  • Product authenticity and safety

Addressing any issues promptly can help maintain a healthy account status and avoid potential suspensions.

Three Big Back-End Problems For Amazon Seller Central Users |

Optimizing inventory management

Effective inventory management is critical for Amazon’s success. Use the Inventory Performance dashboard to monitor key metrics.

  • Sell-through rate
  • In-stock rate
  • Excess inventory percentage
  • Stranded inventory value

These metrics can help you make informed decisions about restocking, repricing, and managing your overall inventory health. Aim to keep your Inventory Performance Index (IPI) score above the minimum threshold to avoid storage restrictions and additional fees.

Utilizing the Brand Analytics feature

For brand-registered sellers, the Brand Analytics feature provides powerful insights into customer search and purchase behaviour.

  • Identify popular search terms in your category
  • Analyze competitor performance
  • Understand customer demographics

Leveraging this data can inform your product development, marketing strategies, and overall business decisions.

Implementing A/B testing for listings

The Manage Your Experiments feature in Seller Central allows you to conduct A/B tests on your product listings. This can help you optimize various elements .

  • Product titles
  • Main images
  • Bullet points
  • Product descriptions

By systematically testing different versions of your listings, you can identify what resonates best with customers and improve your conversion rates over time.

Staying informed with Seller Central announcements

Amazon frequently updates its policies, features, and best practices. Make it a habit to regularly check the Seller Central announcement board for important updates that may affect your business. While Seller Central provides a wealth of information, some sellers find value in supplementing this data with third-party analytics tools. These tools often offer more in-depth analysis, competitive insights, and customized reporting options.

When considering third-party tools, look for those that integrate seamlessly with Seller Central and provide features that complement Amazon’s native analytics. The Seller Central dashboard is a powerful resource for Amazon sellers, offering a wealth of data and tools to help optimize your business performance.